A Difficult Decade For Tattooing in America

While tattooing thrived during WW2 and the Korean war, there is a slump in the 50’s due to the conformist conservative attitude of that era. Tattooing in America almost dies, but Danny keeps the tattoo torch alive and Seattle Tattoo is one of the only shops in town.

Back to Seattle

Danny returns to Seattle tattooing as “Seattle Tattoo” in rented small spaces in taverns and arcades on Skid Row. He also moonlights as a cook on tug boats in Puget Sound to make ends meet.

Service Calls

Danny joins the United States Navy. Just like JFK, he serves on a PT boat in the Pacific. While docked in the harbors, Danny tattoos his fellow sailors.

It All Started With Danny Danzl

Clarence J. Danny Danzl arrives in Seattle and sets up tattooing in a tavern on 1st Avenue- Seattle’s Skid Row. Danny calls his tattooing business- Seattle Tattoo. Danny was born in 1911, St. Paul, Minnesota. Danny moved to Detroit during the great depression to learn tattooing from Percy Waters. Waters is famous at that time for being one of the finest tattooists in America and also owning the largest tattoo supply company. Danny leaves Detroit to seek fame and fortune out west. He spends some time in Colorado and makes his way to Portland, Oregon where he tattoos out of..Read More