Seattle’s Oldest & Finest Tattoo Parlor, Since 1941

Seattle’s Oldest & Finest Tattoo Parlor, Since 1941

“Grunge” Was A Golden Time In Seattle

Tattooing experiences massive popularity across the U.S and the world. Seattle becomes its own unique scene due to punk and grunge, and a construction boom and revitalization of Seattle also starts. The Seattle Tattoo Emporium also operates a screen printing t-shirt business out of the backroom, and bands like Alice in Chains, Nirvana, Mudhoney, and Pearl Jam get tattooed and t-shirts printed from the Emporium. Supersonics, Mariners, punk-rockers, military enlistees, plaid shirt wearers, hells angels, construction workers, college kids, Microsoft programmers all come through the Emporium doors to get tattooed.