Seattle’s Oldest & Finest Tattoo Parlor, Since 1941

Seattle’s Oldest & Finest Tattoo Parlor, Since 1941

This Really Happened

Tattooist, Zeke Owen, flees San Diego to avoid prosecution after beating up two cops in a drunken brawl. He arrives in Seattle and opens Trade Winds Tattoo. Trade Winds Tattoo is one of the first shops to implement sterilization practices. Zeke also keeps a pet monkey in the shop- his name is Bob. Ed Hardy makes his way to Seattle and works for Trade Winds. After a few years, Ed finds Seattle too ruff & tumble and heads to Hawaii to work for Sailor Jerry. Zeke and Danny become friends, and Danny introduces Zeke to Sailor Jerry. The 3 become friends and trade tattoo secrets, sterilization technics, and war stories. The Emporium is proud to showcase sheets of original flash from Ed Hardy and Sailor Jerry.